AS Above So below
AS within
so without
To maximize our travel experiences within ourselves and in the outer world we must release fear and embrace opportunity. It is important to maintain balance between the mind, heart and gut.
My reiki/healing sessions are designed to introduce you to the real you. From this space you can consciously create the life you want. These sessions incorporate shamanic elements, healing arts from Japan, and Q’ero (Peru), Mexica, and Toltec traditions. A session can result in mental clarity, connection to higher self, animal and plant guides, ancestral healing, pain reduction on a mental, physical and emotional level, chakra realignment, physical healing, and beyond.
I received my training from the Reiki Godmothers of MINKA Mystery School in New York City and Reina Prado, of the School of Sacred Alchemy in Los Angeles. My certificates are available upon request.